[調查/Survey] 關東地區邊個地方地位最低? Which prefecture in Kanto has the lowest status? (日/繁/EN)

票數/ Votes: 2365 票/ votes
時期/ Period: 2019.04.21 - 2019.08.06
題目/ Topic: 関東のヒエラルキーで「最下位」はどこ?/ 關東地區邊個地方地位最低? / Which prefecture in Kanto has the lowest status?

關東地區由1都6縣組成, 分別為東京都, 神奈川, 千葉, 埼玉,栃木,群馬和茨城縣組成
未睇結果前, 大家認為邊個地方係"地位最低" 既贏家?

Kanto region is composed by capital - Tokyo  and 6 prefectures, including Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama, Tochigi, Gunma, Ibaraki.

Before showing the result, which prefecture do you think it would be the winner of "the lowest status"? 

Here is the map of Kanto for your reference
Photo Source: Naver matome

The winner is Ibarakiken!

茨城縣得到890票 (37.6%)高票當選, 而第二及三位分別係群馬縣 (586票, 24.8%)和栃木縣 (387票, 16.3%)

Ibarakiken got 890 votes (37.6%) to be the lowest status in Kanto,  the second and third is Gunmaken and Tochigiken,  which had 586 (24.8%) and 387 (16.3%) votes respectively. 

" 観光スポットらしきものはないし、美味しい特産も特にないし、ないない尽くしで、魅力度ランキング最下位の茨城!!"

原來當地人覺得茨城縣冇咩觀光景點, 美味既特產又欠奉。。。總之咩都冇,所以冇咩魅力咁話。 咁究竟係咪呢? 
People believes that Ibarakiken is lack of sightseeing spots,  delicious food and ... many things... so its attractiveness is the least... do you agree with the result?

Source:  Jタウンネット
