[Survey/調查] Which prefecture is elected to be "Ramen Prefecture"? /日本究竟邊度當選為"拉麵縣"?

Votes/ 票數: 5047 votes/ 
Period/ 時期 : 2019.04.08 - 2019.05.28
Topic/ 題目: ラーメン県といえば、どこ?Which prefecture is the Ramen Prefecture? / 邊個縣係拉麵縣?

Talking about Ramen, you may think of Sapporo, Hakata or Kyoto. But can guess which prefecture is the number one in the mind of Japanese?
提起拉麵, 你可能會諗起黎自札幌, 博多又或者京都。但你又估唔估原來係日本人心目中, 邊一度可以稱之為拉麵縣? 即係佢地心目中既number one呢?

What is your answer?

Interviewing 5047 people, the number one is Yamagata Prefecture (山形)! 
Is it surprised to you? 
Actually ramen in Yamagata is famous for its refreshing soy taste and fresh seafood.
And in another research, it shows that in every 100K population, there are average 67.41 ramen restaurants in Yamagata, which is number one in Japan too. For second one, it is Tochigi, where there are 48.67 ramen restaurants.

經過對5047位受訪者調查, 第一位竟然係山形縣!
雖然大家對山形可能相對陌生, 但佢地既醬油好出名, 而且佢地西面環海, 有唔少新鮮海鮮做材料架!
係另一項調查發現, 每10萬人口, 山形縣就平均有67.41間拉麵店, 係日本第一。至於第二位係栃木縣, 有48.67間。所以山形可以拎到第一位係實至名歸!

Yamagata cool ramen
  (photo from Junya Ogura from Tokyo, Japan - 冷やしラーメン。)

Meanwhile, Fukuoka only gets second place, which may be unexpected as its Hakata ramen is famous in the world.
至於福岡係今次調查得第二位, 可能令唔少人跌眼鏡, 始終博多拉麵都係世界聞名!

And can you share the place that you have tried the best ramen?

Source:  Jタウンネット
